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Saturday, September 18, 2010

blogs are liars

do you know what i mean by this title? 
every once in a while i will go to random blogs, and read about the lives of unknown.people. 
i see the pictures that supposedly describe the life of this unknown person.

sometimes, after i read them...i can get discouraged. i see the beautiful and clean homes. the perfectly decorated little boys and girls rooms. the smiling family playing quietly by the fire, and can almost smell the apple pie baking in the oven.

all i'm saying is, no one is posting pictures of a messy bedroom, the dirty dishes in the sink and the kids fighting like cats and dogs while the mom is burning dinner.

these are pictures. they are words. 

so when you read my blog, understand something.
yes, this is somewhat a description of my life, and of what is going on today. but it is not necessarily picture perfect the way that the pictures portray. just wanted to put that out there.

in the last week, i had the amazing privilege of seeing a brand new baby nephew. 
this is not just any nephew. this is the baby boy that i would sit outside every morning and pray would be conceived. 
this is God's answer to the prayers of a beautiful, godly woman who happens to be my little sister.
he is perfect. just perfect.

today was another soccer day. they were tough games, but my boys did great. we are big into sports, but adam and i decided when we had kids that we would not put the importance of soccer or basketball, or any other thing above God. our goal is to please Him. and in doing that, we encourage our boys to play as hard as they can. to be doing everything they can heartily as unto the Lord. so they play hard. and adam coaches hard. and i cheer hard :)
aj had 6 goals today and one amazing save as goalie. but most importantly, he had a sweet spirit that honored Christ.

riley had 5 goals to win by one! and he was also a great testimony of obedience and respect.

it was a good day. 


  1. He is perfect! We prayed for him before we even knew he was coming or that he would be "Callen" ... God has something great planned for this little boy ... too many people prayed him into being for that not to be possible!

    And, congratulations on the all the soccer goals boys!

  2. i loved this post. the beginning part made me laugh with the messy rooms, sink of dishes and dinner burning :)

    and how beautiful those pictures are. of yes, a baby you would pray and pray and pray for. amazing.

    i am so proud of aj and riley. wish i could be there each week to see them play and cheer them on.

    love you!

  3. haa! Great post. I actually have posted pictures of my messy house as "proof" before, and in our last attempt at a "Christmas newsletter" I wrote that in it as well; that nobody ever mentions the times the Mom yelled at the kids or the times the kids were naughty, etc, in their newsletters, but for us,there were/is plenty of those days! I think most like to use their blogs (and Christmas newsletters for that matter) to focus on the highlights and best memories of their days. I especially love though, those that mention the funny or bad or frustrating events, too, b/c it makes me think "at least it's not just my family!!" :)
    I also love that you mentioned the sports thing, b/c, like anything else on this green earth, sports can become an idol...love that you put Him above and IN all things, including soccer. Sports should be something that is enjoyable and growth and confidence-inspiring, not all encompassing. Well done! And, well done, AJ and Riley!

  4. ps: beautiful baby!!!! Congrats to the whole family!!

  5. Yep ... blogs can be liers ... come lie more than others. While I don't take pictures of the dirty laundry or the piles of clutter, I also rarely take pictures that show anything close to the "perfect house". We just live life, and that what I hope my pictures show.

    As for sports ... my husband and I were both 3 sport athletes through Jr. & Sr. High. However, that is not our priority for our kids. Our kids do 1 (very rarely 2) sports per year. And, while we love the win, we are much more concerned about our kids playing their best, and doing it with a godly attitude. The win means nothing, if it is accompanied by a prideful spirit.

    LOVE the pics!

    Laurel :)

  6. I popped over here when you left a comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts about blogs being truthful. Life is pretty messy for me right now and it can be discouraging to see those perfectly clean and organized houses. :-)

    Your boys are adorable and someday I hope to be homeschooling mine like you are yours. Right now grandma has that covered.


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