since i enjoy seeing what other people use for their photo shoots as well, here is what is in my bag.
i am a canon girl.
oh. yes.
i started getting into photography partly because of the inspiration of bryant photographics.
mark bryant is my best friend's father, and he is incredible.
him and his wife are amazing, godly, sweet people. and he is a genius when it comes to photography.
i basically emailed him when i was starting and asked him what i needed.
he said a canon xti.
and photoshop.
so that is what i started with!
one of the best business decisions i have made, was when i decided to invest in the
canon 5d mark ii
it is incredible.
i love everything about it.
i am a total prime lens junky.
i love the incredible bokeh you can get with these babies, and it's hard to beat the sharpness.
my very favorite lens is the 85mm 1.8
it is creamy and delicious.
i almost never take it off my camera.
it is a perfect portrait lens, especially when you are shooting one or two people.
my second favorite lens is my 50mm 1.4.
i started out with the "nifty fifty" which is the 50mm 1.8
i highly recommend this lens especially if you are just starting out.
it lasted me a great long time into my business, and i really loved it.
i upgraded to the 1.4, and my dream would be to eventually get the 1.2.
that is not quite in my budget yet!
this lens is great for when you need to more people in your shot.
if i used the 85 to try and get this next shot, i would have had to go about 4.2 miles away just to get everyone in the picture!
ok...maybe not quite that far. but you get my point.

the 100mm is an amazing lens that i rented about 5 times before i actually bought one!
it is perfect for detail shots (like rings at a wedding)
and even though it can be used for portraits, i mostly use it just for details.
it is a must have for weddings and is a really fun lens to have!
my back up camera is the 40d and i keep a 17-85 on it just to have a zoom lens, although i almost never use it.
i do not have a cute bag to show next.
even though i would love to have a shoot sac to make things easier, and a cute, stylish ephiphanie bag to make me feel cool.
i just can't justify the money for the want of them.
and believe you me. i have tried to justify them! ha!
i am very content with the equipment that i have.
i still rent a 70-200 for my weddings, and would love to eventually have my own..especially for my kids sporting events!
ok...and i wouldn't mind the 35 wide angle lens
i bought the 5d mark ii brand new from best buy, and besides that...everything else i have bought from craigslist!
i am always looking for good deals, and i try very hard to be a good steward of my money.
so that, my friends is what is in my camera bag.
(which, by the way, i bought at a thrift store for 2.00 and always get compliments on it!)
let's not start talking about what is in my other bags. because that turn into a hot mess!
So fun!! Best photographer. ever.