i can not believe that it was 7 years ago today that i was in the hospital having my first baby! wow...why does time go by so fast?! i am so unbelievably happy just looking at my boys. aj has really grown very tall in the last month - he's getting pretty close to my height!! he is doing great with his school - he loves history, is very good at reading, and has unbelievably neat handwriting! he LOVES sports, but especially football! he loves playing and watching it any chance he gets. luckily, we have the football network channel!! randy moss is his favorite player, and laura just got him a moss jersey for his birthday yesterday! he doesn't EVER want to take it off!! he is a really great brother to ry, and they play really well together. he has finished his book in awana, and has learned a ton of verses...i love seeing the way that he is so sensitive to the Lord. i pray every night that he will be a strong leader that will be willing to stand alone, and stay strong in his faith. i love to think about how God will use him. we had a great birthday party. aiyah and uncle chad, all the curriers, nanny and grampops, the boulters, mark and laura were all here. i painted white lines on the front lawn for a football field, and they played for a very long time! during "half time" they all came in for snacks and gatorade. aj scored 2 touchdowns! the uncles, mark and daddy were great sports and had a lot of fun playing - oh ya, the kids had fun too!! haha! he had a randy moss cake, and got some great presents! he was so cute - every time he opened a gift, he would close his eyes unwrapping it the whole time and then once it was all unwrapped he would look at it! he is a funny kid! we did miss having unca and aunti bobbi there! (and the chase side of the family!) then today, he asked for his birthday meal to be spaghetti, meatballs and corn on the cob!! strange combination, but hey, it's his birthday!! i am so proud of him and so glad that he is mine!! happy birthday aj!