i was looking out the window sunday after i had gotten home from church, and saw the cutest sight. my dad and riley (or "dennis" as my dad calls him, after dennis the menace!) were walking back from church holding hands, and holding their Bibles. it was so cute, i ran to get my camera! i am so glad that i have parents who care so much about their grandkids, and choose to be such a big part of their lives.
Friday, June 27, 2008
walking home from church
i was looking out the window sunday after i had gotten home from church, and saw the cutest sight. my dad and riley (or "dennis" as my dad calls him, after dennis the menace!) were walking back from church holding hands, and holding their Bibles. it was so cute, i ran to get my camera! i am so glad that i have parents who care so much about their grandkids, and choose to be such a big part of their lives.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
ya...this picture was taken at 10:45 tonight. i know, what kind of mother would let her 5 and 7 year old boys stay up so late?? well, in adam's words "the celts haven't been in the finals since 1986!" so there you go. the boys love this, and although it's been a long couple of weeks with all these games, the memories are priceless :) go celtics!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
happy father's day!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
9 years
so our 9 year anniversary was thursday (we have actually been together for 15 1/2 years!!) i think that for some people, acting romantically just comes naturally, like it's in them. i don't want this to sound like i am putting adam down, but i don't think it comes naturally for him, which is what made last week even more special to me. a few weeks ago in passing, i mentioned that i had always wanted to go to the cape. i don't remember the context, but i didn't think much about it. anyways, he remembered that i said that, and planned a romantic 3 day getaway for us. he planned the whole thing himself, found a great place to stay, and kept the whole thing a secret! it was so amazingly sweet to me, how excited he was about it, and how special he treated me. we had perfect weather, and had such a relaxing, refreshing time! it was so great to be able to have no time schedule, and just no schedule at all! we laid out by the pool, walked the beach, shopped in all the cute little shops, and had an absolutely PERFECT time. i am so thankful to be married to someone that loves me so much. i love how we are even more in love now than when we first got married!
Friday, June 13, 2008
boys will be boys
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
one more thing...
have i mentioned how amazing my family is yet? if you were to see melanie with my boys, you would think she was their mommy. she loves them so much, and is so amazing with them! they love her so much...which of course makes it even harder that she is so far away from us!! every time she comes for the weekend, the boys want to be near her constantly. (i mean, i do too!!) she is always willing to do anything they want. i love that.
i also love how my parents are with them. my mom spent an hour outside with them playing "pirates" - whatever that even means!! but she is always right there with them playing, and loving. my dad took them out for ice cream, and let ry wear his pirate hat, eye patch and hook! (side note here...i would never have allowed that!! haha!!!)
then erika, who acts as if there is nothing could ever phase her...5 kids, 7 kids...ya know, what's the difference, right?? she treats them the same as her own kids, and i feel really blessed to have such a great family.
ok, it's 11:37. i have had a long few days, between the boys doctor's appointments (they both had shots - so sad!! :(), praise team practice, young adults group,
and the list goes on...but the celts are on, and so i am sitting here watching adam get very frustrated with pierce and garnett. i mean, how could they do this to us and play so poorly? geeeez! so i am not going to go back and re-read this, and it is rambling that probably makes no sense at all. maybe it will at least give you a good laugh!
anyways. i am looking forward to a few days alone with adam! he is surprising me and taking me to a mystery location (which mark is convinced is lot #73 at a campground! haha...you ALL know me better than that!) for our 9 year anniversary! yay :)
also, the picture is kind of random, but is a picture of the weekend with my melly.
know what i love?
here's what i love about God. he is powerful enough that HE absolutely does not need to use us, but HE chooses to let us be involved in people's lives. here's what i mean. my boys needed new sneakers...they seem to be growing at an incredible rate! i guess that i mentioned to my sister-in-law, although i don't remember, that they did. the next day, God used ronnie and bobbi to give the boys that gift! it is amazing. i mean really, God could have literally dropped sneakers down from heaven if he wanted, right? but it was so much more fun to have the boys get to go to the mall with their aunt and uncle that they don't get to see much, and pick out their own sneakers! i love that. thanks ron and bobbi! :)
God always amazes me!
for those of you who don't know, i have been in the process of working on the details of our missions trip to haiti this summer. i have been trying to find the best prices for plane tickets, and the best schedule. i have been getting a little nervous, because we plan to leave on july 28th, which is coming faster and faster! yesterday, i almost bought some that i found, that i wasn't thrilled with the schedule of. i prayed that God would work out the perfect and best departure times. in MY thinking, leaving boston at around 2 and getting into ft. lauderdale at about 4would have been perfect. here is where i need to insert the verse "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." eph. 3:20. when i was at our evangelism class last night, i thought i wonder if we could get flights out of manchester to ft. lauderdale. then do an entirely separate flight to port au prince. when i got home i found tickets leaving manchester at 8:10am and arriving to ft. lauderdale at 11:58am. the next tickets i found where from ft. lauderdale leaving the next morning at 8:50!!! the price was 434.00 - LESS than the tickets out of boston!!!! i could not believe it! i was shaking, i was so excited!! today i realized even more how much of a weight that was on me, now that it is gone. it's funny because it makes me want to ask for more things from our amazing God!! i was second guessing myself about not already getting the tickets, and God was just waiting with the PERFECT - more perfect than i had even imagined!! tickets for us! i can't even believe how much easier it will be to leave from manchester! i am so thankful, and need to brag on God more than i do. He is always watching out for us, and always has everything totally under control. remember that today!!
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