i have been much more aware of the way that psychology has become the place people run to for answers, since being trained in
Nouthetic Counsellingi was watching this show called "Hoarders: Buried Alive" about people who have such a problem with hoarding that it overtakes their entire house and life. the psychologist is called on, and proceeds to assure the "victim" that this is a disorder, and it is not her fault. she doesn't want to live this way, it is simply the disorder telling her what to do. hmm.
another example where "professionals" are called upon is in the case of unruly (aka bratty) children. the method that works best, they say, is a time-out. hmm again.
i love the verse in 1 Timothy 4:7 that says
"Refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness" -kjv
"Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly" -niv
verse 8 says "godliness is profitable unto ALL things"
we need to be so incredibly careful where we get our advice.
in example 1. the person is told she is a victim with a disorder, and she has no control over what is happening. she doesn't really want to live this way.
Bible says, every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of HIS OWN LUST and enticed. then, when lust has conceived, it brings sin...
do have control of your actions. we can do all things through Christ, and God won't give us more than we can handle. hmm. is it me? or does worldly psychology go DIRECTLY against the Bible?
in example 2. i won't go on and on, i will just give one verse that i think pretty much sums it up. proverbs 29:15 - "the rod and reproof gives wisdom, but a child left to himself brings his mother to shame."
what do we do? put the Bible down, and pick the remote up, or the latest book that oprah recommends. we let the "godless myths" and "old wives' tales" come into our minds, and we act accordingly. we are supposed to shun, refuse, reject these things, and we are applying them!! that is all backwards. God's word is profitable...which, by the way means advantageous - YOU WILL HAVE THE ADVANTAGE IF YOU USE THIS!! unto A-L-L things.
run away from any godless form of advice in how you should be living your life and raising your kids. train yourself, or exercise yourself unto godliness. training takes work, no doubt about it. get in the Word. dig into it. let it determine your actions. is it worth it? you better believe it!