there are so many things going on in the lives of people around me. a death. a little girl on life-support, a divorce, a cancer diagnosis. it's like i almost can't take it all in. like i keep getting the wind knocked out of me. yet, through all of this, somehow, i have to trust. i have to hope.
"For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth."
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have's because of your faithfulness that we are not consumed."
"But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose
hope is in his unfailing love."
and that is it. my hope is sure because my God is love. unfailing love. the kind of love that had him send his son to the cross to pay for MY sins.
i admit that i sometimes check my sitemeter on my blog to see how many people have checked it on a particular day. what is my reason? to feel like i might have some sort of "celebrity status"? i hope not. i hope that anyone who stumbles across my blog will see one thing. not how cute my kids are (although they are) not how amazing my photography is (far from it!) and not how clever my words are (not often)
this only. my God is the only hope for anyone. that's it. He gives, and He takes away. blessed be the name of the Lord. i am nothing without Him.
here's a few of the things he has blessed with.

God's grace amazes me. i never want to forget how lost i would be without Him.
i came here because i was discouraged, beaten down by those choosing to beat up on my husband, this post was what the Lord had for me in this time!! thank you for following Him and letting us all be blessed by sharing it :)