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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

how do you say you're a homeschooler?

question. what do YOU do when someone asks you what teacher your child has in school? Or if your kids have the day off from school? i feel like i have been in many situations lately where i am faced with this. what should my response be??? i don't ever want to come off as better than anyone, or snobby about it. but at the same time, i am not ashamed of it, and i have no regrets at all! i am trying to be a light. that's what i am called to be. i don't want to say "oh...IIII homeschool!!" could you sense my tone of voice there? :) i also don't want to say "oh i'm a total dork. we homeschool"
i'm not apologizing for homeschooling and i am grateful that i can, i also wouldn't send my kids to public school. again...not judging, just saying what my husband and i have chosen. so how do YOU respond? do tell.


  1. We respond with big smiles on our faces! My kids love to tell the store clerk, doctor or whoever. I love that they are confident and proud! It also opens the door because they usually ask why or how etc... We have it down to an art haha! The fact that my kids can hold an adult conversation with a doctor using big words and all impresses them enough! haha
    I love it. I use to worry, same as the comments on family size but now I've learned to just have fun with it:)
    p.s. sorry I didn't get back to you about your question sooner...lets just say like with homeschooling we felt led to hit the road. Someday I will have to post on that. I'm so happy to have found you in blogland too! I'm a total dork and I think we would make great friends in real life:) love your posts!

  2. You could say "I am so thankful I have the opportunity to teach my boys at home" or, "I am their teacher ... aren't I lucky?" We face the same questions about our decision for Torrey to go to a Christian school ... mostly the "You pay WHAT? Don't you know the public school is free?" My hope is that I come across as gracious and unjudgemental as I try to explain Dean and my decision for Torrey's education.

    Bottom line ... only you and Adam know what is best for your boys. People will always have an opinion ... but, God gave them to you to love and to raise.

  3. Oh I love your new header!!!!!

    I say, "Oh, we homeschool." with a fairly excited tone and 9 times out of 10 they'll tell me someone they know who "does that." :)

    Mostly they ask my 10 year old and she still answers pretty shyly. "We're homeschoolers."

  4. I usually say, joyfully, "I teach my kids at home."

    mama of 13

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Nice post sis!! I usually get asked...No school today? or Kids sick? I just say no their home schooled in a matter of fact way and that is all that is said about it.Have a great week sis!!Love ya

  6. hi, found you from jen b's blog :) i have to say...i tell them they have mrs. baggs this year, hehehe

  7. I get a lot of what your sister gets..."oh, no school today?" Or "home sick?" I smile and say "nope, they're homeschooled!"

    Sometimes we'll get asked, "do you like school?" The boys have learned to smile, and say, "yup!" while giving me a knowing grin. We just move on.

    A lot of times I'll get "I could NEVER homeschool! Why do you do it?" I just say the truth, that my son asked me to, b/c he didn't want to go anywhere the teachers couldn't teach him about Jesus. He asked me to homeschool him and after praying and looking into it I could not say "no"...and that I'm soooo glad I didn't say no b/c it's been such a surprising blessing to us all here!


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