and here is my ry playing with his legos. oh how he loves his legos!!

and tonight my amazing husband took me out to dinner at the olive garden. i insist on getting 5-cheese ziti every single time i go. i just hate the thought of trying something else that i might not like because i KNOW i love the ziti!! and it was delish.
my parents watched the boys and we got to have some time alone. then we went to the mall and i got some jeans (aeropostale is having a sale on their jeans - 9.99 a pair! you all know how much i love me a bargain!)
and now i am doing some laundry and getting ready for a crazy day tomorrow. ry has basketball at 9. aj has basketball at 1:30. we have youth group from 3-5, then ry has soccer from 6-8. and as of right now, my poor baby ry is sick. so we'll see what tomorrow brings! i am just thankful. grateful that God has blessed me so much. oh and for all my homeschooling friends. go out and buy this book for your husband. no seriously. do it now. (thank you erika!!) adam read it in one day, and he has been amazingly understanding about everything to do with homeschooling. not that he wasn't before, don't get me wrong. but he said he learned so much.
ok. i guess i'm done for tonight. ry just came into my room, so i guess it's snuggle buggle time.