i know that Jesus is coming soon.
i think that satan knows it too.
that's why he is working harder than ever to get christians discouraged, which will stop us from reaching other people with the gospel.
i found a poem that i wrote back in 2003. i am not normally a poet. i mean, i do write songs, but this isn't really the kind of thing you would put to music.
i just thought that maybe somebody needed to hear it.
needed to hear that you are not the only person that has felt this way!
needed to hear that you can make it, and that God has never left you and never will.
it was written from a mother's perspective, but i think it can apply to anyone. anyone can get in a place of just feeling hopeless and not even knowing why. (right?)
i hope this encourages you and gives you hope!
please feel free to email me if you need prayer for anything specific, i would love to be able to pray for you!
A mother's Life
A young exhausted mother
Stumbles into bed
One long day is over
Yet another lies ahead
Why are these tears streaming down her face?
She has two healthy boys
She has a loving husband
But her heart just can't rejoice
Tiring duties never end
The whining is so intense
She has a happy family
These sad feelings make no sense
She knows God has a reason
For everything in her life
The darkness comes so strong
The pain cuts like a knife
She wants it to be different
She doesn't want to yell
Others don't know how she really feels
They'll never be able to tell
She's mad at how she's feeling
More than anything
She just wants happiness for her kids
For them to see her laugh and sing
One thing she has to remember
The most important thing of all
Jesus loves and cares for her
He'll catch her when she falls
She is precious and honored in His sight
He is gently leading her on
He won't give her more than she can bear
And his love will never be gone
So tomorrow will start another day
His compassion will be new
He'll giver her more strength as she needs it
With his help, she will make it through
Whatever comes into her life
Has been approved by God
He'll carry her through every storm
In this pathway of life she must trod
Lamentations 3:21-23
Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the LORD's great love
we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.