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Saturday, February 12, 2011

coming up with a clever title is the hardest part of blogging...

today, riley woke up with a high fever and so i let him stay in his pj's for school.
aren't i so nice??

my parents got him this game for his birthday and he LOVES to play it!
i think he's already played it 20 times.

hopefully he is better before his birthday party sunday!
here are a couple of other shots i got when we were looking for a picture for his birthday invitation

i mean seriously. he is so stinking cute.

then aj had a game tonight.

when he was going up for a layup in the first half, he got hit from behind and fell on his wrist pretty hard.
i could tell it really hurt him, and he was trying with everything in him to keep it together.
it made me so sad, and he was so cute i just wanted to hug him.
don't worry, i refrained.

look at his little face!!!
oh how i love that boy.
by the way, he pulled it together, and ended the game with 15 points!

i've been having some pretty emotional days lately.
for a lot of reasons.
but looking at these little loves of my life...
who remind me so much of adam :)
just makes everything seem ok tonight.


  1. RON F.6:48 AM


  2. love the pictures!! yes, thinking of a clever title is hard!!! i like the one for this one :)


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