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Thursday, November 08, 2012

just in case...

*you feel alone today:

remember that God promises you that HE will never leave you or forsake you. (deut. 31:6)

*you feel discouraged today:

remember that in HIS presence is fullness of joy (psalm 16:11) so get in His presence today!

*you feel overwhelmed today:

remember that HE is the rock that stands firm when your heart is overwhelmed. (ps. 61:2)

*you feel like giving up:

remember that you can do everything through Christ who gives you strength! (phil. 4:13)

*you feel unloved:

remember that NOTHING. not one.single.thing. can ever separate you from Christ's love! (rom. 8:35) that is a lot of love!!

*you feel weak:

remember that the weaker you are, the stronger HE is! (2 cor. 12:9)

don't let this day go by with your mind full of lies!
don't believe them!

you are NOT alone, you CAN have joy, you don't HAVE to be overwhelmed, DON'T quit, you ARE loved and you CAN have God's strength!

believe it!
claim it!
live it!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!! And how did you know??? This was perfect in every way. Thank you! xoxo.


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