he started the day by going out to breakfast with my parents (they started this tradition of taking the grandkids out on their birthday a long time ago)
apparently he ate a TON...not surprising! that explains the increase in our grocery budget!
we took the day off from school (it is a holiday, after all!) and we let the boys just relax.
we went to game stop, so he could spend his gift card from aiyah, and then had subway for lunch.
when we got home, we let him open his birthday present from us. he always closes his eyes when he opens his gifts...

he was surprised and very excited with what he got

so a little side note about the gift. aj had seen pictures of a nba basketball lego set. the cheapest i had seen them go for was 199. um. ya. not even close to an option. so i googled "basketball legos craigslist". i found this basketball set AND a soccer set for a total of 25.00. but it was in california. so i emailed and asked if she would be willing to ship. she said she would, but thought that a guy was missing so she would only charge 20.00 plus shipping. CRAZY! i was so excited, and couldn't believe that i had found such a good deal. honestly, normally this would probably cost a total of 350.00 and i paid THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS!!
aj was so thankful.

then we let both the boys open the soccer one.

we had a great day that we ended with the four of us going to the porch to watch the celts.

a few of MANY things that i love about my 9-year-old
1. he is very sensitive to the needs of others
2. he is incredibly gifted athletically
3. he is so much fun to be around
4. most of all..he is very godly. after i put him to bed last night, he realized that he had forgotten to read his Bible. he got out his flashlight and read. i love that about him. a great start to his year already!!
i cant believe he is 9!! why must they grow up?!?! i love him so much! and i love the deal you got on his gift!!! way to go!! they look so fun too!!
Sounds like a PERFECT birthday for a wonderful nine year old!! Love it.