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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Blogging the ugly

Blogging is pretty. Right?
There's nothing like opening up a page on your computer screen and reading nice, well thought through words, all put together in a story form, intended to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Of course you pair that with beautifully taken pictures of a sunset the writer just saw, or their kids hugging and smiling, or a quote written in their favorite font.

Funny how when you read certain people's writings...even their hard times or unfortunate circumstances somehow don't seem so bad when they write them with the right adjectives.

Some blog posts are hard for me to read. I get what they are trying to do, but to me it comes off like they are sitting there with a thesaurus trying to shove as many words together as they possibly can.
Some readers love that...they repost it, share it on twitter and make it their phone background.
I'm not that kind of writer.
I don't try to come off as fancy, because I'm just not a fancy person.
I write how I talk.
And a lot of times people tell me they can hear my voice when they read it.

I find myself getting annoyed when I read those other kinds of posts, and it's totally not anything against the people writing.
I don't even personally know them, so maybe they really do talk like that...I'm just all like, say whaaat?!
And they are all like. What was that your magnificent mouth piece just uttered?

So ya. I just lay it down how it is, and kind of feel like, whatever...take me or leave me.
And I just can't take the time to read all those wordy posts.

Anyways. I do like to blog pretty things, and I don't like to blog the ugly.
I mean, why would I? Who wants to do that?

But in real life. My life is not in a pretty little box.
It's filled with bad reactions. procrastination. time-wasting. selfishness and pride.
Just like the rest of the human race.

But the thing about it is, I'm not gonna write about all those bad choices all the time, because there are also times for just straight up encouragement.
No one really wants to read post after post about the times I have failed, the mean words I said to my husband and the stupid bad thoughts I had towards other people...all while walking through my messy house.
It's just ugly.
And maybe there's that part of us that wants to read stuff like that just so we can feel better about ourselves? But overall, we don't want to see the ugly.

I want to be able to find a balance.
I want my words to come through in a way that shows the fact that I am a normal person (kind of) with a normal life who does normal things.
I have times when I totally blow it, and then I have other times when I totally rock out my to do list.
I want for my readers to walk away feeling encouraged and motivated to keep moving forward.

I truly hope that that is what I bring to the table.
Straight up talk. Keeping it real. Sharing my heart and giving hope that you can keep going!
I don't want it to come across like I have it all together.
Because the truth is, I have my moments.
But I do want to come across like I have some things together... enough that it makes you hungry for that same thing.

So my thing for this week...
I am getting up an hour before the boys, so I can get ready for the day and read my Bible first.
I am reading my Bible before my emails, my Facebook, my instagram.
That may seem small, but to me? Early mornings are for the birds. Seriously.
I mean, come on now! It's way more fun to stay up late than it is to get up early!

Today was really hard in some ways. But because I had gotten up early and read my Bible it seriously made the rest of the things I was going through much easier.
Still hard. But much easier.

So. I told you mine. What is your thing going to be for this week?

1 comment:

  1. Love you!!!!! I will totally take you and not leave you. You are the best and I love your blog. The good, the bad and the ugly;) xoxo


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