myself NOT being one of them!
my sister-in-law, bobbi, planned this adorable little birthday party for my one year old niece (you can see her cake smash here)
it was totally perfect, and you may find yourself pinning like crazy...just warning you!

everything was red and pink...right down to the scrambled eggs!
i loved this idea of pictures from the first 12 months of her life!
the adorable little birthday girl...big sister and her best friend eliza...having a little play time!
maybe this next one doesn't look like a perfect shot...photographically speaking. but i loved the adoring look on my brothers face as he looks at his baby girl!
a pretty amazing brunch. for a pretty amazing little niece. by a pretty amazing sister-in-law.
happy birthday sweet emmi! i am so proud to be your favorite auntie! haha!
wow. that looks amazing. she did a great job!!