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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The family room: Before and After

We moved into our beautiful antique house in April.
There was a thing or two...or a million that needed to be done, and we are slowly getting settled in.
One room at at time.
We have finished My  dining roomMy bathroom (the downstairs one) My libraryAJ's roomMy porch (which is now decorated for Christmas!) and My kitchen. Well, kind of. We just recently painted the cabinets, and we still have the flooring and the countertops to complete.

The next room we have finished is the family room!
What once used to be a beautifully wallpapered, painted floored room (insert sarcasm here)
is a little bit more warm and cozy now!
So thankful for Maddie, Tracy, Luke, AJ and Riley who did a huge amount of wallpaper scraping, and my parents who painted the entire room!

(oops! I meant to photoshop the front of the heaters that we haven't gotten yet! haha!)

It's a little less decked out than the library.
And a lot more cozy, put your feet all up on the furniture and eat your popcorn in there too!
We are getting there!
Come on...you know you want to have a big ole bowl of popcorn in my family room!

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! So love all these befores and afters!!! Oh, and I'll be seeing you tomorrow!!!!:) xoxo


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